The festivals play a vital role in the life of Indians. Festivals enriches the religious and social life of Indian people. Diwali is one of the biggest festival celebrated in India. Diwali is celebrated in almost all parts of India. Diwali is the most important as well as a grand festival of Hindus. Diwali is also known as Deepavali, where deep means light and avali means an array of lights. It is celebrated on the 15th of Karthik month every year. The history behind this festival is that on this day Lord Rama returned Ayodhya after killing the Ravana-the king of Lanka. In order to celebrate the victory of Lord Rama all the people illuminated their houses. It is since then Diwali is celebrated all over India with lights and lamps.

Diwali is a festival commemorated to mark joy, victory and harmony. In India, it is a festival of fun and happiness. Diwali preparations have an important significance for Indians   People decorate their home, shops and office sites with colorful lights. Preparation starts from the one month before the Diwali, it starts from cleaning of houses and shops, people start buying new cloths, gifts, lights, crackers, etc.  People clean their places and decorate their houses with fairy lights, lamps, flowers, rangoli, diyas, garlands. Courtyards are decorated with colorful rangoli,  lamps are illuminated on the rangoli. Some people also believe in discarding the old things and purchasing the new one. So, the festival brings in fresh and new aura among everyone. People dress in new clothes, eat sweets and share sweets, crackers are burned during this festival. The festival is usually celebrated for three days. First day is called Dhanteras in on which people buy new items specially ornaments as per their tradition. The next days are celebrated with the crackers, people exchange sweets and gifts. At the eve of Diwali people worship goddess Lakshmi for wealth and prosperity and Lord Ganesh is worshipped for wisdom and intellect. Diwali puja is known to evoke the blessings of these deities.

Diwali is enjoyed by everyone, but most of them forget that bursting crackers lead to noise pollution and air pollution. For kids its' dangerous to let them play alone,  it can cause them fatal burns. Bursting  crackers reduces the air- quality and visibility which causes accidents. Hence it is important to celebrate a safe and eco-friendly Diwali. Whole country lights up on this day of the festival. Many satellite images show how India looks on Diwali. 

Diwali festival is the festival of the whole country. It is celebrated in every nook and corner of the country. Thus the festival also creates a sense of oneness among the people. It becomes the moment of unity. India has been celebrating it every year which is both historical and religious.

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