Independence Day is an important day in the life of every Indian citizen. Year after year, it reminds us of our great freedom fighters who sacrificed and struggled their lives in order to free our Motherland from British rule.

India was under the British for almost two hundred years. They looted our country and harmed the citizens of the country. The Britisher’s plumber the country of its wealth. However, the nation’s citizens decided it was enough and started to raise their voices against British rule.

People from all over the country started to raise their voices against British rule. These people gave their lives to fight the government. There were revolutionaries like Mahatma Gandhi, who took non-violence and held various rallies across the country.
All the people who took part in fighting for freedom paid off on 15th August 1947 when India got freedom. Since 1947, India has been celebrating this day as Independence Day.
Citizens of India come together on 15th August every year to celebrate Independence day. It is a day that holds a lot of importance and pride for all the country’s citizens. Independence day is celebrated joyously and enthusiastically all over the country on 15th August.

Schools, colleges, offices and residential areas of the country celebrate Independence day. It is a day celebrated in the memory of those who sacrificed their lives for their country. Due to the selfless sacrifice of the people, we are living in a free country.

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